Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Fresh Look at Facebook Ads

Recently we got a chance to talk with Jack Lowe, President of EcoEternity Forest. EcoEternity utilizes Facebook ads as a part of their marketing strategy and drawing traffic to their website. Below are some questions and answers that were shared that Fresh Look thinks our clients may benefit from.

1. Mr. Lowe, can you briefly describe your company and the services you provide

EcoEternity Forest LLC runs a chain of four green cemeteries in North Carolina, Virginia, and Pennsylvania for cremated ashes only. People lease a place at a tree where their ashes or the ashes of a loved one can be interred at the roots of a tree in a biodegradable urn. Over a period of three years the urn degrades and the roots of the mature tree take up the nutrients from the ashes creating a living memorial.

2. What role does Facebook ads play in your marketing/advertising strategy?

For those 50 and older, Facebook is the medium we use to encourage potential customers to visit our web site.

3. Why are they so effective?

If you craft your ad correctly, you get interested parties to self select themselves as interested potential customers. Then you only pay for those who are interested in your product or service.

4. How difficult is it to set up a Facebook ad?

Very Easy! But to make it more and more effective, you will go through a number of iterations as you see how potential customers respond to different ways of crafting your ad. Then you have to think about where geographically you want to advertise. To what demographic you want to advertise. It helps to have someone assist you in the marketing decision process.

5. Is it expensive to run a Facebook ad campaign?

Expensive is a relative term. It does allow you to tightly control your advertising budget. It has been for us exceptional value for money.

6. Do I have to have a marketing director or substantial marketing budget to effectively use Facebook ads?

No, but a marketing director might help. Marketing on Facebook is high psychology. You cannot just throw up an ad and expect it to be effective. You have to keep trying new things to see how effective different aspects of an ad are. It is also high systems analysis. You think about your targeted audience and you try something that you think will appeal. Then you measure the effectiveness or lack of effectiveness of your modification. Then try another improvement and measure again. This is where a marketing director or some marketing consulting might assist.

7. Any last comments or encouragements to our readers?

Facebook is very effective narrow casting (targeted marketing). Facebook ads are great value for money. You pay only for the hits you get. But you still have to make the ads effective. Facebook is a medium for advertising not an end in itself.

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